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Viscet Batch #1058
Mate: Eli (owned by lyka-nyx da)
--------------SSD: Unknown
---------SS: Unknown
--------------SSS: Unknown
----Sire: Akuro
--------------SDD: Unknown
---------SD: Unknown
--------------SDS: Unknown
--------------DSD: Unknown
---------DS: Unknown
--------------DSS: Unknown
----Dam: Akachi
--------------DDD: Unknown
---------DD: Unknown
--------------DDS: Unknown
Leka is the protected daughter of Akuro. She lives in the East under his protection and spends her time helping the wildlife of the land. She has become skilled in veterinary medicine and uses these skills to aid injured creatures which she comes across. While she tries hard to not intervene in nature too often, if she sees an animal dying by a broken jaw or hobbling away wounded after a fight, you know she will do her best to help it regain its strength and vitality.
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